Keynote: This One Weird Trick Tells Us Everything About You
The web, and Big Tech at large, is tracking our every move, habit, and facial expression. As designers and developers who are also users, we both contribute to the surveillance system and are exploited by it. But it doesn’t have to be this way. This talk will examine the problems we face as individuals, in our […]
Treat yourself — A tale about dog training and test-driven development
JavaScript the Language: Diving Deep in a Test-Driven Way
In June 2024, we held the 73rd edition of the “JavaScript the Language” meetup, where each month we dive into one of JavaScript’s features, some make you go, “Wait, it does what now?” We do this by writing tests, reading the specification, and running those tests – the programming equivalent of a workout that actually makes you stronger.
Here’s the plan: We start by brainstorming questions we can answer with code. Then, we write a test with a description so clear even your non-coding goldfish could follow it. Before we run this test, we open the ECMAScript specification, which is like the sacred scrolls of JavaScript knowledge, to see if our wild guess—I mean, hypothesis—is correct. For example, does ‘””.at(-1)‘ return an empty string or undefined? (Spoiler alert: It’s a fun surprise every time!) This deep dive often leads us into the labyrinth of JavaScript’s inner workings, where we encounter delightful oddities and brilliant design choices. By the time we run the test, we’ve either confirmed our theory or had an existential crisis about how computers work, which we then call “learning”.
Join me in this session to experience the joy of team programming, the thrill of testing, and the sheer geeky pleasure of reading the spec. Even if you currently think testing is as exciting as watching paint dry, I promise you’ll leave with a newfound appreciation for it—or at least a few good laughs. Let’s embark on this adventure together and unlock the mysteries of how JavaScript ticks, one test at a time.
Beyond Javascript – Writing a Web Application Full Stack with Rust
Are you working on a project where you write code both on the backend and on the frontend? Are you tired of constantly swapping half of your brain when switching programming language, standard library and idiomatic ways of programming?
In this talk, I take a look at setups where frontend and backend are written in the same programming language. What are the pros and cons? We then take a deep dive into a promising condidate: writing backend and frontend completely in Rust. How mature is the ecosystem? What does it look and feed like? How is the developer experience?
Suddenly in the spotlight — moderation for architects and developers
Workshop facilitation is an indispensable skill for software architects and developers. The high complexity of the challenges and decisions that arise in architecture work requires effective and constructive collaboration in order to achieve good results. The standard approach of “write PostIt’s — form clusters — dot-voting” all too often leads to inadequate results. I will […]
Cleaning Up After Yourself
It’s common to run into the problem of resources and tasks hanging around after they need to. It’s easy to forget to close a database connection, or cancel a timer, or stop an HTTP request that isn’t needed any more. This can cause all sorts of subtle problems from hanging to leaks and beyond.
Let’s look at different ways to avoid this problem, including the new “using” statement and the resource management tools that come with it, alongside existing APIs. We’ll explore patterns that make it easier to manage resources in the face of unexpected exceptions, and how to diagnose which resources aren’t being closed properly.
Next.js in Action: Practical Solutions for Everyday Challenges
Are you looking to build a high-performance and flexible web application by leveraging the strengths of both client and server? Next.js is the perfect framework for you. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to build a complete application and solve everyday challenges.
You will cover everything from data fetching and display, user interactions, styling, and routing, to performance optimizations and authentication. You’ll understand what client and server components are, how they differ, and how to best utilize them. Additionally, we’ll dive into server actions, the modern approach to form handling in a Next.js application.
For each feature, you’ll gain technical insights and engage in practical exercises to apply what you’ve learned. By the end of the workshop, you will be equipped to set up your own Next.js application, tackle common issues, and confidently explore and solve new challenges.
Join us and take your Next.js skills to the next level. Register now and unlock the potential of building high-performance, flexible web applications with Next.js.
Micro Frontends in production – does it work and is it worth it?
Moderne Webanwendungen werden immer größer und komplexer. Das Versprechen von Micro Frontends ist, dieser Komplexität zu begegnen, indem Anwendungen in kleine, unabhängige, besser wartbare Teile geschnitten werden. Doch wie gut gelingt dies in der Praxis? In einem Projekt mussten Teile eines bestehenden Frontends voneinander entkoppelt werden. Um dies zu erreichen, haben wir Micro Frontends mit Hilfe von webpack Module Federation eingeführt. Können die Micro Frontends jetzt getrennt entwickelt werden? Oder haben wir nur die Komplexität um ein Vielfaches vergrößert? Ob die Einführung von Micro Frontends ein Erfolg war und was wir daraus gelernt haben, erläutert dieser Vortrag.
GenAI and LLMs in exiting web-apps — automate everything?
Join this session to discover how to seamlessly integrate generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) into your existing web applications.
Max Marschall will demonstrate techniques such as tool-calling and client-sided agents, providing users with new opportunities and tools within their familiar workflows.
The session will discuss an architecture required to incorporate generative AI into web applications, without requiring major changes. You’ll learn best practices for achieving a seamless integration, as well as valuable lessons from real-world implementations.
Max Marschall also explore the balance between client-side execution and server-side calculations, discussing various approaches and their pros and cons.
By the end of the session, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the technical considerations necessary for successful implementation of AI and LLMs into your own web applications.
Full-Stack Development with Svelte & SvelteKit
Tired of single page applications and pure frontend development?
Do you finally want to develop full-stack without having to learn Java? Then this
this workshop is just right for you! Here you will learn everything you
you need to build full-stack apps with SvelteKit on the Cloudflare developer platform
to build.
We’ll start with the basics of component development in Svelte 5. You’ll learn
how to create single file components and use the Svelte template syntax.
In addition, you will learn how to use Runes for fine-grained reactivity and Snippets for reusable markup. We then continue with the
development of dynamic SvelteKit apps. You will dive into features such as
file-based routing and the data loading mechanics of SvelteKit. In addition
we’ll integrate the Cloudflare D1 database for dynamic data. The final part
is the deployment of the workshop results into the Cloudflare network.
A free Cloudflare account is only required for the deployment. The
The entire development takes place locally on your computer.