11/13/2024 - 11:30

4 Critical Antipatterns in React/TypeScript Development (And How We Overcame Them)

In this talk, I will delve into four crit­i­cal antipat­terns that we encoun­tered in our React/TypeScript devel­op­ment process. Each sec­tion will out­line a spe­cif­ic bad prac­tice, the prob­lems it caused, and the strate­gies we employed to address it. We’ll dis­cuss the pit­falls of over­ly flex­i­ble props, the mis­use of objects in depen­den­cy arrays, the draw­backs of using array indices as keys, and the unnec­es­sary overuse of use­Ef­fect. This pre­sen­ta­tion aims to shed light on these com­mon but often over­looked mis­takes, pro­vid­ing real-world solu­tions to enhance the per­for­mance and main­tain­abil­i­ty of your applications.

Learning objectives

  • learn about 4 antipatterns in React/TypeScript
  • prevent you from making the same mistakes



Prior knowledge

Basic React and TypeScript knowledge
Jonas Herrmannsdörfer is a dedicated React developer and feels at home in the dynamic world of freelancing. He has already brought numerous challenging projects to life with React. When he's not programming, Jonas enjoys preparing the perfect espresso. Follow Jonas on LinkedIn and X.