11/13/2024 - 11:30

Automated Accessibility Testing

New laws in the EU require many dig­i­tal prod­ucts to be acces­si­ble from June 2025 on. One of the biggest prob­lems when build­ing an acces­si­ble prod­uct: test­ing. Many things have to be checked by hand because the auto­mat­ed test­ing tools only have lim­it­ed cov­er­age. How­ev­er, we devel­op­ers like to have a safe­ty net of auto­mat­ed tests in our CI-pipeline. How can we achieve this for accessibility?

In this talk, I will give you the tools you need to bet­ter secure your prod­uct in terms of acces­si­bil­i­ty. We will start by learn­ing about auto­mat­ed tools and their pos­si­bil­i­ties and lim­i­ta­tions. Then, we will look at strate­gies for writ­ing your own tests with com­mon test frame­works. Final­ly, we will look at what AI can do for us in this regard.

Learning objectives

  • Basic knowledge of accessibility
  • Basic idea how to test for accessibility
  • Strategies for extending accessibility tests



Prior knowledge

Basic web development knowledge. Examples will be using react, but deep react knowledge not necessary.
Anna Maier originally comes from the Java world, but now also feels very comfortable in the frontend. Since 2021, she works as full-stack web developer and IT-Consultant for codecentric. She has been passionate about accessibility for many years. She is also an advocate for women in IT. You can find her on LinkedIn.