11/13/2024 - 15:30

Best of the worst – the top 5 most terrible JavaScript features

Brows­er, brows­er on the wall, who has the worst fea­tures in all the land? JavaScript, of course!

This ses­sion scours the JavaScript and DOM spec­i­fi­ca­tions for the worst fea­tures from JavaScript’s long his­to­ry. Find out which encrust­ed lega­cy fea­tures from the chalk age of web stan­dards are still avail­able in the lat­est Chrome beta, which fos­silized syn­tax acci­dents are still lurk­ing in every­day data struc­tures and which absurd hacks both grey­ing brows­er war vet­er­ans and the React kids from the bleed­ing edge have used and are still using.

The JavaScript fea­tures from hell not only have plen­ty of hor­ror fac­tor to offer, but are also instruc­tive, worth know­ing and some­times the only way to solve prob­lems. Find out which mis­takes from the pri­mor­dial soup still result in car­go cult pat­terns today, why React throws promis­es instead of excep­tions and take a look at a whole lot of code that you (hope­ful­ly) won’t see any­where else.

Learning objectives

  • Refresh your knowledge about the dark corners of JavaScript
  • Have fun



Prior knowledge

Prior knowledge (or prejudices) about JavaScript
Web technology expert and author Peter Kröner writes and researches the web standards of tomorrow. What he finds out about HTML, CSS, new JavaScript standards, new browser functions or fresh TypeScript features, he writes in books and blog posts or passes on in seminars, workshops and lectures throughout the country. He previously worked as a freelance web designer and front-end developer.