11/13/2024 - 13:15

Code Retreat — break out of your daily grind!

Are you stuck in the cycle of dead­lines, bug fix­es, and fea­ture requests? Join this ses­sion to dis­cov­er how code retreats offer a refresh­ing change. In this talk, you’ll dive into the con­cept of code retreats, col­lab­o­ra­tive prac­tice ses­sions designed to hone your cod­ing skills, explore soft­ware design prin­ci­ples, and fos­ter team­work. Through focused exer­cis­es, code retreats pro­vide a unique chance to step away from project pres­sures, exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent approach­es, and strength­en your foun­da­tion in both code struc­ture and design. Whether you’re new to the indus­try or a sea­soned pro, this ses­sion will reveal how inte­grat­ing code retreats into your rou­tine can ele­vate your soft­ware design and devel­op­ment skills. Leave inspired to take your craft to the next level!

Marco Emrich
Marco Emrich is an architect and consultant at codecentric, and a passionate advocate for software craft & quality, which he also teaches at the university of applied sciences in Salzburg. He regularly speaks at software engineering conferences and is the author of several technical books. When he's not buried deep in code, his children beat him in analog board games. Follow him at LinkedIn.
Unbenannter Mann
Wolfram Kriesing co-founded a JavaScript consultancy in 2008, a time when JavaScript was often dismissed as a toy language. This positioned them perfectly to ride the wave of its rising popularity. In 2016, he started the "JavaScript the Language" Meetup and jskatas.org, both dedicated to deepening our understanding of JavaScript. In his subsequent role, he led the Speed Team, focusing on measuring, analyzing, and optimizing the performance of a high-traffic website. For almost two decades, his professional journey has prominently featured JavaScript and web performance optimization, among many other technologies and topics. Wolfram is passionate about exploring the fundamentals and basics across a wide array of subjects. To foster community learning and knowledge sharing, I founded events like jscraftcamp.org and jscoderetreat.com. You can find Wolfram at LinkedIn and on Mastodon.