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11/14/2024 - 14:00

Deno! De nada

We all know the sto­ry, Ryan Dahl cre­at­ed Node.js in 2007 and from that sprung the largest pack­age reg­istry in the world and now every­body uses npm. Every­body? No! A small project around Ryan Dahl (again) thinks they can do it bet­ter and pro­vide a JS run­time that does away with all the mis­takes of Node.js. But can they live up to their bold claim? And which new ideas do they bring to the table? Spoil­er Alert: for the most part it’s the best devel­op­er expe­ri­ence you can have today.

Learning objectives

Showing what Deno can do better than Node



Prior knowledge

They should have worked a bit with npm and nodejs
Katja Potensky is a Software Engineer at adesso and has been programming professionally since 2012. She likes to take a holistic approach to software development and has thus contributed to diverse projects across the industries in many different roles and team sizes. From that work she has developed a strong aspiration regarding code quality and correct program behaviour that she'd like to pass on to others now. She's very passionate about writing code that's easy to read and that doesn't require one to know half the codebase by heart just to understand why that line you're currently looking at exists.