11/13/2024 - 11:30

Ditch passwords: Passkeys are the Future of Logins

Passkeys are the future of authen­ti­ca­tion, accord­ing to both Google and the BSI. 

This talk will guide you through 

  • what passkeys actu­al­ly are, 
  • why you should con­sid­er adopt­ing them in your projects — espe­cial­ly for improv­ing UX and secu­ri­ty
  • and what key things you need to know when imple­ment­ing passkeys.

We will dive into the prac­ti­cal steps and con­sid­er­a­tions you need to be aware of when adopt­ing passkeys, ensur­ing a smooth and effec­tive tran­si­tion for your organization.


Waldemar Rosenfeld is a Solutions Engineer at Okta and works in the security space since 2015. He helps customers with their security and identity challenges on a daily basis. He started his career as a developer and moved on to the security space. Starting in API Management and now focussing in Identity and Access Management. Contact: waldemar.rosenfeld@okta.com