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11/12/2024 - 09:00

Full-Stack Development with Svelte & SvelteKit

Tired of sin­gle page appli­ca­tions and pure fron­tend devel­op­ment? Do you final­ly want to devel­op full-stack with­out hav­ing to learn Java? Then this this work­shop is just right for you! Here you will learn every­thing you you need to build full-stack apps with Svel­teK­it on the Cloud­flare devel­op­er platform
to build.

We’ll start with the basics of com­po­nent devel­op­ment in Svelte 5. You’ll learn how to cre­ate sin­gle file com­po­nents and use the Svelte tem­plate syn­tax. In addi­tion, you will learn how to use Runes for fine-grained reac­tiv­i­ty and Snip­pets for reusable markup. We then con­tin­ue with the devel­op­ment of dynam­ic Svel­teK­it apps. You will dive into fea­tures such as file-based rout­ing and the data load­ing mechan­ics of Svel­teK­it. In addi­tion we’ll inte­grate the Cloud­flare D1 data­base for dynam­ic data. The final part is the deploy­ment of the work­shop results into the Cloud­flare network.

A free Cloud­flare account is only required for the deploy­ment. The The entire devel­op­ment takes place local­ly on your computer.

Learning objectives

The workshop has three major goals in mind. At the end, participants are able to
  1. develop components in Svelte
  2. build full-stack web-apps with SvelteKit
  3. use the Cloudflare developer platform for data storage, deployment and hosting their apps



Prior knowledge

General web development knowledge as well as good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Nils Röhrig
Nils Röhrig is a software developer, speaker and trainer who specialises in front-end development with a focus on Svelte. He began his career as a technical consultant at Questback before moving to REWE digital in 2016. There he was involved in the development and maintenance of the in-house e-commerce platform for the REWE delivery and pick-up service. In 2022, Nils moved to Loql, where he is working on a B2B app that connects local and regional food producers with their customers. Find Nils at LinkedIn and on X.