11/14/2024 - 14:00

Happy Birthday, CSS!

On Octo­ber 10, 1994, Håkon Wium Lie pub­lished the first pro­pos­al for “Cas­cad­ing HTML style sheets”. Since then, CSS has been one of the tech­ni­cal foun­da­tions for the web. A good occa­sion to cel­e­brate CSS in style! In this talk Håkon will exam­ine some of the key moments in the his­to­ry of CSS and the web. You will also be encour­aged to look under the hood to ful­ly under­stand how the web works and to print your own book.


Håkon Wium Lie created Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) while working with Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in 1994. Along with Bert Bos, he developed CSS into a W3C standard. As CTO of Opera Software he brought browsers to mobile devices, and he proposed the Acid2 test make sure all browser supported the same standard. He is the chairman of YesLogic, which makes the Prince CSS-to-PDF formatter. He was part of the KonTiki 2 expedition that sailed a balsawood raft from Peru to Easter Island. He runs a little apple farm and likes to design and make stuff from wood. He holds a MS from the MIT Media Lab, and a PhD from the University of Oslo.