11/13/2024 - 14:15

Micro Frontends in production – does it work and is it worth it?

Mod­ern web appli­ca­tions keep grow­ing big­ger and more com­plex. The promise of Micro Fron­tends is to divide large appli­ca­tions into small, inde­pen­dent, eas­i­ly main­tain­able chunks. But how does this idea trans­late into real­i­ty? In a recent project we had to decou­ple parts of an exist­ing fron­tend that was already in pro­duc­tion. To achieve this we intro­duced Micro Fron­tends, specif­i­cal­ly webpack’s Mod­ule Fed­er­a­tion. Can we now devel­op our Micro Fron­tends inde­pen­dent of each oth­er? Or have we just increased the com­plex­i­ty of our project? In this talk I will explain how the intro­duc­tion of Micro Fron­tends into an exist­ing fron­tend went, what we learned from it and if it was worth it.

Learning objectives

I would like to illustrate why we chose to integrate Micro Frontends into an existing application, the challenges we faced, if it was a success and what we would do differently today.



Prior knowledge

Basic knowledge in web development
Christian Siebmanns is an expert in the development of enterprise web applications. He is passionate about user interfaces, because he is a strong believer that frontends should make people’s work easier, not harder. Find Christian on LinkedIn.