11/14/2024 - 13:00

JavaScript the Language: Diving Deep in a Test-Driven Way

In June 2024, we held the 73rd edi­tion of the “JavaScript the Lan­guage” meet­up, where each month we dive into one of JavaScript’s fea­tures, some make you go, “Wait, it does what now?” We do this by writ­ing tests, read­ing the spec­i­fi­ca­tion, and run­ning those tests – the pro­gram­ming equiv­a­lent of a work­out that actu­al­ly makes you stronger.

Here’s the plan: We start by brain­storm­ing ques­tions we can answer with code. Then, we write a test with a descrip­tion so clear even your non-cod­ing gold­fish could fol­low it. Before we run this test, we open the ECMAScript spec­i­fi­ca­tion, which is like the sacred scrolls of JavaScript knowl­edge, to see if our wild guess—I mean, hypothesis—is cor­rect. For exam­ple, does "".at(-1) return an emp­ty string or unde­fined? (Spoil­er alert: It’s a fun sur­prise every time!) This deep dive often leads us into the labyrinth of JavaScript’s inner work­ings, where we encounter delight­ful odd­i­ties and bril­liant design choic­es. By the time we run the test, we’ve either con­firmed our the­o­ry or had an exis­ten­tial cri­sis about how com­put­ers work, which we then call “learn­ing”.

Join me in this ses­sion to expe­ri­ence the joy of team pro­gram­ming, the thrill of test­ing, and the sheer geeky plea­sure of read­ing the spec. Even if you cur­rent­ly think test­ing is as excit­ing as watch­ing paint dry, I promise you’ll leave with a new­found appre­ci­a­tion for it—or at least a few good laughs. Let’s embark on this adven­ture togeth­er and unlock the mys­ter­ies of how JavaScript ticks, one test at a time.

Learning objectives

  • Remove the fear from looking into the ECMAScript spec
  • Do write a test or two (more than yesterday)
  • Appreciate the power of team programming



Prior knowledge

  • Basic understanding of JavaScript should exist
  • Excitement to learn more and look under the hood
Unbenannter Mann
Wolfram Kriesing co-founded a JavaScript consultancy in 2008, a time when JavaScript was often dismissed as a toy language. This positioned them perfectly to ride the wave of its rising popularity. In 2016, he started the "JavaScript the Language" Meetup and jskatas.org, both dedicated to deepening our understanding of JavaScript. In his subsequent role, he led the Speed Team, focusing on measuring, analyzing, and optimizing the performance of a high-traffic website. For almost two decades, his professional journey has prominently featured JavaScript and web performance optimization, among many other technologies and topics. Wolfram is passionate about exploring the fundamentals and basics across a wide array of subjects. To foster community learning and knowledge sharing, I founded events like jscraftcamp.org and jscoderetreat.com. You can find Wolfram at LinkedIn and on Mastodon.