11/12/2024 - 09:00

Next.js in Action: Practical Solutions for Everyday Challenges

Are you look­ing to build a high-per­for­mance and flex­i­ble web appli­ca­tion by lever­ag­ing the strengths of both client and serv­er? Next.js is the per­fect frame­work for you. In this work­shop, you’ll learn how to build a com­plete appli­ca­tion and solve every­day challenges.

You will cov­er every­thing from data fetch­ing and dis­play, user inter­ac­tions, styling, and rout­ing, to per­for­mance opti­miza­tions and authen­ti­ca­tion. You’ll under­stand what client and serv­er com­po­nents are, how they dif­fer, and how to best uti­lize them. Addi­tion­al­ly, we’ll dive into serv­er actions, the mod­ern approach to form han­dling in a Next.js application.

For each fea­ture, you’ll gain tech­ni­cal insights and engage in prac­ti­cal exer­cis­es to apply what you’ve learned. By the end of the work­shop, you will be equipped to set up your own Next.js appli­ca­tion, tack­le com­mon issues, and con­fi­dent­ly explore and solve new challenges.

Join us and take your Next.js skills to the next lev­el. Reg­is­ter now and unlock the poten­tial of build­ing high-per­for­mance, flex­i­ble web appli­ca­tions with Next.js.

Learning objectives

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of Next.js features and capabilities.
  • Learn to build and manage both client and server components in a web application.
  • Develop skills in optimizing performance for Next.js applications.
  • Master techniques for implementing secure authentication.
  • Understand and utilize server actions for efficient server-side logic.
  • Apply best practices in routing, styling, and overall application structure.



Prior knowledge

Participants should have a basic understanding of React and experience in web development. Familiarity with JavaScript and modern web technologies is expected to fully benefit from the workshop. Technical prerequisites:
  • Notebook with latest version of Node.js installed
  • Permission to install NPM packages (corporate proxy, etc.)
  • Your favorite IDE to write TypeScript Code
  • A browser to show our web app (and debug it)
Sebastian Springer
Sebastian Springer works at MaibornWolff in Munich and is primarily concerned with the various aspects of client- and server-side JavaScript. His focus is on the question of how to improve the world with web technologies. From JavaScript in vehicles and other everyday objects to the implementation of extensive enterprise platforms, the scripting language can now be found in all areas of life. This raises the question of how architectures, code quality and development tools are evolving to keep up with these demands. Sebastian gets to the bottom of these questions and passes on his knowledge to web developers as a consultant, trainer and author. Find Sebastian at LinkedIn and X.