11/13/2024 - 15:30

Optimistic UI Updates: Enhancing User Experience and Improving Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

With Inter­ac­tion to Next Paint (INP) recent­ly becom­ing a sta­ble Google Core Web Vital, hav­ing your web appli­ca­tion be respon­sive to user inter­ac­tions is more impor­tant than ever.

This talk will cov­er the impor­tance of INP and the meth­ods used to mea­sure it. It will also demon­strate how opti­mistic UI updates can min­i­mize delays by pro­vid­ing instant visu­al feed­back, sig­nif­i­cant­ly improv­ing INP and over­all user expe­ri­ence. Learn prac­ti­cal strate­gies for imple­ment­ing opti­mistic UI in your web appli­ca­tions and see real-world examples.

Learning objectives

By the end of this talk, attendees will be able to:
  • Understand the "Interaction to Next Paint" (INP) Core Web Vital
  • Measure INP in their own web application
  • Recognize the benefits of optimistic UI updates in reducing INP and enhancing overall web performance
  • Find places in their web application to implement optimistic UI updates



Prior knowledge

Basic understanding of frontend web development and JavaScript
Marc Müller is a Senior Frontend Engineer at Grover, bringing extensive experience in B2B, zero-to-one projects, and conversion rate optimization. Before Grover, Marc refined his web development expertise at Peaks & Pies, where he worked on improving conversion rates for high-profile clients, including mobile.de, NIVEA, ERGO, and Lampenwelt. Beyond software engineering, Marc has a passion for product management, design, and photography. This diverse skill set enables him to tackle projects holistically, ensuring aesthetic excellence and functional precision. You can find Marc on LinkedIn and on X.