11/14/2024 - 16:15

Re-learning how to web — things you do not need

The web isn’t a place to put a pile of code to adver­tise your app. It is the most sim­ple, cre­ative and won­der­ful plat­form to reach users on their own terms and pro­vid­ing them with an inter­face catered to their needs. If you use it and you keep up to date. In the last few years we lost track of the user and chased devel­op­er con­ve­nience and fast to mar­ket expe­ri­ences instead. This left the web bro­ken and annoy­ing. Time to clean up and start fresh. Want to join me?


Chris Heilmann dedicated the last 20 years of his life to make the web work and thrive. As a lead developer on some of the largest web products he learned that knowledge is not enough without teamwork and good handover. He dedicated most of his time since on educating, writing and sharing, presenting on average at 30 conferences a year. He strives to make code and coders work efficiently and get more done quickly without losing the understanding of what we do. He is the author of several JavaScript books and the Developer Advocacy handbook.