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11/13/2024 - 13:15

Reimagining Data Presentation: Leveraging Browser Capabilities for Digital Twins

From a sim­ple elec­tron­ic device to a pro­duc­tion line and even a build­ing, every­thing can be dig­i­tal­ly rep­re­sent­ed. The world is full of these dig­i­tal twins, and this opens up enor­mous oppor­tu­ni­ties for us. Let’s dive togeth­er into the dig­i­ti­za­tion of the real world. In this talk, we will explore the world of data and take a look at how we can process and present it. Often, peo­ple think of data grids in this con­text, but that doesn’t have to be the case. The brows­er offers many more pos­si­bil­i­ties: SVG and the can­vas ele­ment with its 2D and 3D con­texts. Using the con­crete exam­ple of a dig­i­tal twin for a build­ing, we will exam­ine the var­i­ous ways we can present data and how we can pro­vide our users with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to inter­act. Libraries like D3.js or Three.js will be used for this purpose.

Learning objectives

- Understand the concept and applications of digital twins in various industries. - Learn how to utilize browser capabilities like SVG and the Canvas element for data visualization. - Explore different techniques for processing and presenting data in web applications. - Discover methods to enhance user interaction with data visualizations in the browser.



Prior knowledge

Attendees should have a basic understanding of web development, including familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is helpful if they have some knowledge of how web browsers render content, as this foundational knowledge will assist in understanding the more advanced topics covered in the talk.
Sebastian Springer
Sebastian Springer works at MaibornWolff in Munich and is primarily concerned with the various aspects of client- and server-side JavaScript. His focus is on the question of how to improve the world with web technologies. From JavaScript in vehicles and other everyday objects to the implementation of extensive enterprise platforms, the scripting language can now be found in all areas of life. This raises the question of how architectures, code quality and development tools are evolving to keep up with these demands. Sebastian gets to the bottom of these questions and passes on his knowledge to web developers as a consultant, trainer and author. Follow Sebastian on LinkedIn and on X.