11/14/2024 - 09:00

Suddenly in the spotlight — moderation for architects and developers

Work­shop facil­i­ta­tion is an indis­pens­able skill for soft­ware archi­tects and devel­op­ers. The high com­plex­i­ty of the chal­lenges and deci­sions that arise in archi­tec­ture work requires effec­tive and con­struc­tive col­lab­o­ra­tion in order to achieve good results. The stan­dard approach of “write PostIt’s — form clus­ters — dot-vot­ing” all too often leads to inad­e­quate results. I will intro­duce tech­niques and con­cepts that can be used to work col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly on issues in a group.

Top­ics include:

  • What is the role of the facil­i­ta­tor? (Respon­si­bil­i­ty for struc­ture vs. respon­si­bil­i­ty for results)
  • What is the role of the team? (e.g. with regard to tak­ing responsibility)
  • How can I con­scious­ly shape the five design ele­ments of all inter­ac­tion struc­tures (invi­ta­tion, room design, par­tic­i­pant engage­ment, group con­fig­u­ra­tion and the course and dura­tion of workshops)?
  • How do I deal with peo­ple with a high need to broadcast?
  • How do I rec­og­nize that a con­tri­bu­tion is goal-ori­ent­ed or that it is in the solu­tion space?
  • How do Lib­er­at­ing Struc­tures help to cre­ate cre­ative freedom?
  • Which meth­ods help to make col­lec­tive deci­sions effi­cient­ly and effectively?
  • How do the two types of think­ing — intu­itive (or “fast”) and ana­lyt­i­cal (or “slow”) think­ing — influ­ence the work­shop structure?
  • Which myths about work­shop mod­er­a­tion should be urgent­ly debunked?

Learning objectives

Hold more successful and satisfying workshops



Prior knowledge

Nicole Rauch ist freiberufliche Softwareentwicklerin und Softwareentwicklungscoach mit umfangreichem Hintergrund in Compilerbau und formalen Verifikationsmethoden. Neben Specification by Example, Domain-Driven Design, React/Redux und der Sanierung von Legacy Code Applikationen gehört auch funktionale Programmierung zu ihrem Repertoire. Des weiteren ist sie Fachbeiratsmitglied bzw. Mitorganisatorin mehrerer Konferenzen sowie einer Fachzeitschrift und Mitbegründerin der Softwerkskammer, einer deutschsprachigen User Community zum Thema Software Craftsmanship.
Martin Günther has been consulting and supporting companies in the implementation of their software projects as a software architect and agile coach for many years. He always has the big picture in mind, looking for the boundaries that naturally divide the domain into conceptual units in order to build robust and efficient systems from these parts. Additionally, his profound experience in facilitating workshops helps him to accompany groups in their process of gaining insights and decision-making and to enable all team members to interact in an appreciative and effective manner.