Workshop facilitation is an indispensable skill for software architects and developers. The high complexity of the challenges and decisions that arise in architecture work requires effective and constructive collaboration in order to achieve good results. The standard approach of “write PostIt’s — form clusters — dot-voting” all too often leads to inadequate results. I will introduce techniques and concepts that can be used to work collaboratively on issues in a group.
Topics include:
- What is the role of the facilitator? (Responsibility for structure vs. responsibility for results)
- What is the role of the team? (e.g. with regard to taking responsibility)
- How can I consciously shape the five design elements of all interaction structures (invitation, room design, participant engagement, group configuration and the course and duration of workshops)?
- How do I deal with people with a high need to broadcast?
- How do I recognize that a contribution is goal-oriented or that it is in the solution space?
- How do Liberating Structures help to create creative freedom?
- Which methods help to make collective decisions efficiently and effectively?
- How do the two types of thinking — intuitive (or “fast”) and analytical (or “slow”) thinking — influence the workshop structure?
- Which myths about workshop moderation should be urgently debunked?