11/14/2024 - 11:15

Sustainable web development — The what, why and how

Although we don’t see any dark fumes com­ing out of our com­put­ers, the use of IT comes at a sig­nif­i­cant envi­ron­men­tal cost. The share of glob­al IT green­house gas emis­sions was already equal to that of the avi­a­tion indus­try — even before the AI hype.

This talk will intro­duce you to the core con­cepts of sus­tain­abil­i­ty in web devel­op­ment — what are the main dri­vers of emis­sions, how can emis­sions be mea­sured and, of course, how to reduce them.

And even if you are not pri­mar­i­ly inter­est­ed in sus­tain­abil­i­ty, you may be inter­est­ed in the pos­i­tive side effects of Green IT, for exam­ple on your provider bill or your web­site success.

Learning objectives

  • Why websites cause carbon emissions
  • How to measure the environmental impact of web applications
  • First steps to mitigate the problem
  • Other benefits of green websites



Prior knowledge

Basic knowledge about Web Development
Carsten Windler is a passionate web developer whose career spans almost 20 years of professional software development in various companies and industries. Currently, he holds the position of Principal Engineer at Plan A in Berlin, where the enjoyment of coding is merged with a commitment to fighting climate change. Find Carsten on LinkedIn. He is a regular speaker at developer conferences and has authored technical articles for various publications. He is also a LinkedIn Learning instructor and author of a book about Clean Code in PHP. Reach Carsten via LinkedIn.