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11/14/2024 - 10:15

The AI-Powered Developer

Do you feel left behind by new AI tools released every day? In this talk, we’ll take a prac­ti­cal look at what effi­cient, AI-pow­ered devel­op­ment looks like today. We’ll give you an opin­ion­at­ed selec­tion of open source and com­mer­cial tools, includ­ing local solu­tions in which no data leaves your computer.

Based on real-world expe­ri­ence, we’ll show you how you can best accel­er­ate your devel­op­ment work with AI. Our goal is for you to get start­ed right after the talk.


  • Tools: Copi­lot-style cod­ing assis­tants, Ter­mi­nal tricks, extra tools, lat­est developments.
  • Data Pro­tec­tion: LLMs in USA, Europe and on local­host. Legal con­sid­er­a­tions, bypass­ing AI-bans.
  • Mind­set: Rethink­ing your every­day tasks and spread­ing AI skills.
  • (Not cov­ered: build­ing AI-based software.)

Learning objectives

  • How to regularly and effectively use AI in your development work.
  • An opinionated list of the best tools for various situations.
  • How to handle legal and security issues.



Prior knowledge

Basic development experience is useful.
John Fletcher’s first job was as a professional snowboarder, winning the Junior World Championship in 1999. Since then, he has spent 20 years developing software across Australia, Spain and Germany. He continues to build software, loves to speak at conferences and trains people to accelerate companies from the bottom up, using technical excellence, human interaction and fun. Find John on LinkedIn.
Unbenannter Mann
A programming book fell into Daniel Hartung's lap 15 years ago and he hasn't been able to keep his hands off the keyboard since. Today, he helps customers to bring their products into production efficiently by constantly optimizing their day-to-day work. He tries to live the DevOps idea and not only develop his applications, but also manage and maintain the infrastructure. Daniel is on LinkedIn.