In modern web development, developers constantly face standard problems that require efficient and reliable solutions. TanStack, a collection of libraries, offers innovative approaches to address these challenges. This talk provides a comprehensive overview of the key components of TanStack and their practical applications.
Although TanStack originates from the React world, it is committed to platform independence. The most well-known part of the TanStack is TanStack Query, formerly known as React Query, which enables efficient data fetching and caching. Additionally, TanStack includes other libraries such as TanStack Router for navigation, TanStack Table for data grids, TanStack Form for form handling, TanStack Virtual for virtual lists, TanStack Ranger for ranges and sliders, TanStack Store for central state management, and TanStack Config for configurations and tools.
The talk explains how TanStack addresses common problems in web development. The main modules will be demonstrated through a practical example application to illustrate their usage and benefits in real-world scenarios.
Thanks to its modularity and focus on specific problem areas, integrating TanStack libraries into existing projects is extremely straightforward.