11/13/2024 - 10:30

The TanStack: Toolbox for Everyday Problems

In mod­ern web devel­op­ment, devel­op­ers con­stant­ly face stan­dard prob­lems that require effi­cient and reli­able solu­tions. TanStack, a col­lec­tion of libraries, offers inno­v­a­tive approach­es to address these chal­lenges. This talk pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive overview of the key com­po­nents of TanStack and their prac­ti­cal applications.

Although TanStack orig­i­nates from the React world, it is com­mit­ted to plat­form inde­pen­dence. The most well-known part of the TanStack is TanStack Query, for­mer­ly known as React Query, which enables effi­cient data fetch­ing and caching. Addi­tion­al­ly, TanStack includes oth­er libraries such as TanStack Router for nav­i­ga­tion, TanStack Table for data grids, TanStack Form for form han­dling, TanStack Vir­tu­al for vir­tu­al lists, TanStack Ranger for ranges and slid­ers, TanStack Store for cen­tral state man­age­ment, and TanStack Con­fig for con­fig­u­ra­tions and tools.

The talk explains how TanStack address­es com­mon prob­lems in web devel­op­ment. The main mod­ules will be demon­strat­ed through a prac­ti­cal exam­ple appli­ca­tion to illus­trate their usage and ben­e­fits in real-world scenarios.

Thanks to its mod­u­lar­i­ty and focus on spe­cif­ic prob­lem areas, inte­grat­ing TanStack libraries into exist­ing projects is extreme­ly straightforward.

Learning objectives

  • Overview of the TanStack Libraries
  • Problem-solving strategies with the TanStack
  • When to effectively use TanStack components
  • Best practices and practical applications of TanStack
  • Comparison with other solutions



Prior knowledge

Solid working knowledge in React
Sebastian Springer
Sebastian Springer works at MaibornWolff in Munich and is primarily concerned with the various aspects of client- and server-side JavaScript. His focus is on the question of how to improve the world with web technologies. From JavaScript in vehicles and other everyday objects to the implementation of extensive enterprise platforms, the scripting language can now be found in all areas of life. This raises the question of how architectures, code quality and development tools are evolving to keep up with these demands. Sebastian gets to the bottom of these questions and passes on his knowledge to web developers as a consultant, trainer and author. Follow Sebastian on LinkedIn and on X.