11/14/2024 - 09:00

Keynote: This One Weird Trick Tells Us Everything About You

The web, and Big Tech at large, is track­ing our every move, habit, and facial expres­sion. As design­ers and devel­op­ers who are also users, we both con­tribute to the sur­veil­lance sys­tem and are exploit­ed by it. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

This talk will exam­ine the prob­lems we face as indi­vid­u­als, in our work, and as part of the tech com­mu­ni­ty. We’ll then explore a few of the prac­ti­cal ways we can design and build tech­nol­o­gy that respects human rights.


Laura Kalbag is a British designer living in Ireland and has worked in tech for over 15 years doing design, development and education. She wrote the book Accessibility For Everyone and is co-founder of Small Technology Foundation. Small Technology Foundation is a tiny two-person-and-one-husky not for profit organisation that works on initiatives to build and advocate for small technology that respects our rights. Find more information on Laura's Homepage.