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11/14/2024 - 16:15

We Don’t Talk About Bruno — The Open Source HTTP Client Alternative to Postman and Insomnia

A reli­able HTTP client is an indis­pens­able tool in the every­day life of a web devel­op­er. These tools make it pos­si­ble to effi­cient­ly test and man­age API requests, sig­nif­i­cant­ly eas­ing devel­op­ment and debug­ging process­es. While Post­man and Insom­nia have been the pre­ferred tools for these tasks in recent years, a new HTTP client is now gain­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty: Bruno.

Bruno dis­tin­guish­es itself from Post­man and Insom­nia by its delib­er­ate avoid­ance of cloud ser­vices, allow­ing for a com­plete­ly offline-based usage. Bruno enables the stor­age and ver­sion­ing of request col­lec­tions using Git and its own Bru Markup Lan­guage, ensur­ing seam­less team col­lab­o­ra­tion and easy track­ing of changes. Com­pared to the estab­lished tools, Bruno is a light­weight and user-friend­ly alternative.

In this talk, we will explore the func­tion­al­i­ty of Bruno in detail and exper­i­ment togeth­er to see how Bruno com­pares to Insom­nia and Postman.

Learning objectives

You will learn about the features of Bruno and how to use it in your daily web developers life.



Prior knowledge

No prior knowledge needed
Joshua Töpfer is a seasoned web developer, mob programming advocate and senior consultant at INNOQ. He is passionate about building pragmatic self-contained systems using domain driven design. He loves to do mob programming to foster collaboration within the team and gain better results. Find Joshua on LinkedIn.