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11/12/2024 - 09:00

Workshop: Schools of Test-Driven-Development

Not all TDD is the same. Over the years, devel­op­ers have devel­oped dif­fer­ent styles and approach­es. Some of them have a name and are described in detail, such as Lon­don or Chica­go — the schools of test-dri­ven development.

Here we con­sid­er sev­en dif­fer­ent schools of TDD, which dif­fer fun­da­men­tal­ly in their method­ol­o­gy. Nev­er­the­less, they are not mutu­al­ly exclu­sive. In this work­shop, you will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn about the dif­fer­ent schools and which approach is best suit­ed in which context.

After a short intro­duc­tion, we will try out the dif­fer­ent approach­es togeth­er in pair or mob pro­gram­ming. This way you will not only get to know the the­o­ret­i­cal basics, but also prac­tice the prac­ti­cal application.

Learning objectives

  • know the different tdd schools, and their pros and cons
  • select a school matching your current context
  • apply the principles of a school to a practical code problem



Prior knowledge

Basic Unit-Testing experience
Marco Emrich
Marco Emrich is an architect and consultant at codecentric, and a passionate advocate for software craft & quality, which he also teaches at the university of applied sciences in Salzburg. He regularly speaks at software engineering conferences and is the author of several technical books. When he's not buried deep in code, his children beat him in analog board games. Follow him at
Sebastian Rose is an Identity and Access Management Consultant at codecentric AG. One of his main topics is the use of Keycloak as an SSO component and its integration into company processes. He has a lot of experience as a software developer in teams that strive for agility and use open source software mainly on the JVM. The software industry has been his field of work for almost 20 years. He helps to organize the Java User Group Darmstadt. He lives with his wife and two children in Wiesbaden.