THE Conference for

Frontend Development

November 12 to 14 - Cologne, Germany


Choose the right ticket for you!

Main Con­fer­ence Pass: Expe­ri­ence both con­fer­ence days on site in Cologne. At the end of the first con­fer­ence day there will be a get-togeth­er with food and drinks. This is the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to exchange ideas direct­ly with the speak­ers and c’t edi­tors on site.

Work­shop Pass: On the day before the con­fer­ence, excit­ing work­shops will take place where you can work inten­sive­ly on con­tent in small groups and ask your spe­cif­ic ques­tions on the top­ic direct­ly to the speak­er. 

Full Con­fer­ence Pass: You want to com­bine the advan­tages of the con­fer­ence and the work­shop day. Ben­e­fit from the com­bined offer and save up to 99 euros com­pared to buy­ing them indi­vid­u­al­ly. 

Stream­ing Pass: You can only par­tic­i­pate remote­ly? No prob­lem! With the Stream­ing Pass you can fol­low the pre­sen­ta­tions on stage 1 on both days — all keynotes are also includ­ed. Of course, you can also ask your ques­tions in the mod­er­at­ed chat and inter­act with our top-class speakers.

Become part of the c’t <web­dev> family!


*All prices include taxes.