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08.11.2022 - 09:15 Uhr

Beyond the persona

Design­ers tend to take the aver­age user and design solu­tions of that aver­age per­sona by using design and empa­thy. But to design prod­ucts and ser­vices that are tru­ly inclu­sive we have to go beyond empa­thy and ask­ing questions.


In my talk I'll explain why Design Thinking doesn't work and you'll learn how to transform your design process to be really inclusive.

Marie van Driessche
twitter: @marievandries

As an UX (User Experience) designer and teacher, Marie van Driessche (Amsterdam) is fascinated by the way people interact with digital products and each other. Her focus is to design proper, meaningful and inclusive solutions. Currently she works as an UX designer with a focus on accessibility at Unc Inc. Marie also teaches UX / UI design at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Besides all the above, she loves to kitesurf, gardening and reading cookbooks in bed before falling asleep.