THE Conference for

Frontend Development

November 12 to 14 - Cologne, Germany

Arrival and stay

The c’t
team strives to enable all par­tic­i­pants, speak­ers and employ­ees of
part­ners and spon­sors to par­tic­i­pate in the con­fer­ence with­out
dis­crim­i­na­tion or harass­ment – regard­less of their gen­der, eth­nic­i­ty,
reli­gion, belief, impair­ment, age or sex­u­al iden­ti­ty. This applies
regard­less of the tech­ni­cal plat­form used.

The KOMED event cen­ter is part of the Medi­a­Park (Link to Google Maps). It is cen­tral­ly locat­ed in down­town Cologne and is well con­nect­ed to all means of trans­port. The impos­ing Köl­nTurm next to the KOMED build­ing can serve as a guide from all directions.


Arrival by pub­lic transportation

Sub­way: From Cologne main sta­tion, take lines 16 or 18 to Ebert­platz, then change to lines 12 or 15 towards Ringe and get off at Christophstraße/MediaPark. Con­tin­ue on foot via Her­mann-Beck­er-Straße and the bridge direct­ly into the MediaPark.

S‑Bahn: From Cologne main sta­tion, take the S6 towards Nippes, S11 towards Düs­sel­dorf, S12 or S13 towards Hansar­ing and S19 towards Düren. A direct S‑Bahn con­nec­tion links Cologne-Bonn Air­port with Hansar­ing via the S13 line. Get off at the Hansar­ing stop. From there, turn right behind Sat­urn, then take the next left into May­bach­straße and straight on into MediaPark.

 Region­al train: Also from Cologne main sta­tion in the direc­tion of Hansar­ing with the cor­re­spond­ing region­al trains to the Hansar­ing stop. The route then leads to the Medi­a­Park as described above.


Arrival by car

Medi­a­Park is eas­i­ly acces­si­ble via the near­by high­way exit, fol­low the A57 towards Köln-Zen­trum and then fol­low the signs to Medi­a­Park. The entrance to the under­ground road is locat­ed direct­ly after the rail­road bridge in Erft­straße. From there you can enter the Medi­a­Park under­ground park­ing garage and con­tin­ue to the Zen­tral — PZ park­ing garage.

Anoth­er entry option is the “Cine­dom” on the cor­ner of Am Küm­pchen­shof / May­bach­straße. In addi­tion to the cen­tral under­ground park­ing garage, there is also access to the under­ground street.The max­i­mum vehi­cle height in the park­ing garage is 2.00 m and the park­ing fee is €1.50 per hour and €15 per day.

Nav­i­ga­tion instruc­tions: Enter “May­bach­straße 10” in your nav­i­ga­tion device to be direct­ed to the Medi­a­Park park­ing garages.

Envi­ron­men­tal zone: Please note that the Medi­a­Park is locat­ed with­in Cologne’s envi­ron­men­tal zone. Since 01.07.2014, only vehi­cles of emis­sion group 4 with a green stick­er are allowed to enter this zone.



We can rec­om­mend the fol­low­ing hotels for your stay:

Motel One Köln-Mediapark

acom Hotel Köln