16.11.2022 - 15:15 Uhr

From Ugly Duckling to Beautiful Swan: My Journey with Tailwind CSS

In this speech, I will take the audi­ence through my per­son­al jour­ney with Tail­wind CSS – a jour­ney that trans­formed my per­spec­tive from ini­tial skep­ti­cism to an unwa­ver­ing admi­ra­tion. The pro­pos­al cov­ers the ini­tial neg­a­tive impres­sion I had, the rea­sons that com­pelled me to give it a chance, the aspects that made me fall in love with it, and prac­ti­cal insights on how to get start­ed with Tail­wind CSS while over­com­ing com­mon cons often asso­ci­at­ed with its usage. In the end, the audi­ence should feel inspired to give Tail­wind a try and have the knowl­edge and tools to start using Tail­wind effectively.


  • Overcome initial skepticism by exploring the benefits
  • Understand the key concepts and principles of Tailwind CSS
  • Gain practical knowledge to start using Tailwind CSS effectively and immediately




Visitors should have basic knowledge of web development, including HTML, CSS, and a familiarity in JavaScript (ideally React, even though not necessary). No prior experience with Tailwind CSS is required.
Lucas Neuhaus
Landau Media GmbH
I am Lucas Neuhaus, a 25-year-old web developer with an ever-growing interest in everything Web. Despite facing challenges like dyslexia and ADHD, my passion for coding and UI design led me to get on a self-taught journey since around 2018. While I left the traditional path from education as a college dropout, my determination and resilience pushed me to acquire valuable skills in the field. Presently, I thrive as a React Front End Engineer at Landau Media GmbH, pushing new technologies and web standards. In the past, I worked for small start-ups and dipped my toes into freelance web development. Proposing a speech at a tech conference for the first time is a significant milestone for me, inspired by the captivating experiences gained from attending WeAreDevelopers World Congress and especially Beyond Tellerrand . I am eager to share my unique insights and journey, hoping to inspire fellow tech enthusiasts to embrace their individual paths and succeed in this ever-evolving industry.