16.11.2023 - 10:15 Uhr

How not to lose your job to AI

Whilst a lot of news shows and arti­cles on the inter­net talk about var­i­ous AI ser­vices in rela­tion to job secu­ri­ty, it’s nor­mal to ques­tion this idea. AI remains a ‘black box’ for most peo­ple how­ev­er it has many use­ful applications.

In this talk, we will look into the fun­da­men­tals of AI, what pos­si­bil­i­ties it holds, and what risks it implies as well as some appli­ca­tions. Finally,I will share some ideas on how we can make our­selves more valu­able pro­fes­sion­al­ly and (spoil­er alert!) how to get start­ed with AI.


  • There are a few risks with AI that are sometimes not easily resolvable
  • Learning and/or utilizing it is not as hard as you think and can bolster your productivity
  • AI is an enormous topic but can be split into easily comprehensible subfields
  • A Neural Network is built from ‘Perceptrons’




No prior knowledge needed
Luke Wenkers
shopware AG
X: @WenkersLuke
Luke is a frontend engineer at shopware AG with 5 years of experience. He is passionate about innovative web development topics, and especially, AI and its applications have caught his attention recently.