15.11.2023 - 10:30 Uhr

Is CSS Houdini finally usable in 2023?

Houdini’s goal is to enable web devel­op­ers to extend the capa­bil­i­ties of CSS. It pro­vides a suite of APIs that make it pos­si­ble to cre­ate cus­tom CSS fea­tures by script­ing new behav­iour direct­ly into the brows­er ren­der­ing pipeline. This set of APIs offers great flex­i­bil­i­ty but also opens up many questions. 

In this talk we are going to look into the cur­rent state of Hou­di­ni in the year 2023. We are also going to touch on the top­ic of how  the usage of Hou­di­ni APIs can affect per­for­mance of a web appli­ca­tion. And analyse whether they can be used to achieve sig­nif­i­cant improve­ments — or maybe the oppo­site? Let us decide if CSS Hou­di­ni is ready for production.


The audience will get a solid overview of the CSS Houdini APIs and their functionality, as well as the current state of browser support and possible performance impacts. The goal is to help the developers decide whether Houdini APIs are suitable for their projects in 2023.
Tanja Ulianova
X: @techtanja
Tanja is a software engineer with a passion for solid software architecture and smooth user experience. She loves learning and sharing knowledge. Since 2017 she is trying to make the web a more inclusive space by advocating for web a11y. Her other favourite topics are browser rendering and performance. Currently she works at flox as a full stack software engineer, helping create tooling for reproducible environments with smooth developer experience. In her free time, Tanja organises events as a part of Karlsruhe GDG, goes climbing, builds things and cares for her urban garden. You can chat with her about CSS Houdini and the Web Platform.