16.11.2023 - 10:15 Uhr

UX Improvements of Forms or: How to Get Users Annoyed

Have you ever won­dered about why the aut­ofill­ing func­tion­al­i­ty in the brows­er works real­ly well for some web­sites but not at all for oth­ers? Or have you ever been annoyed when you could­n’t use key­board nav­i­ga­tion? Those are some exam­ples of hur­dles users have to face when they have to fill out a form on a website. 

Forms are some­thing users encounter reg­u­lar­ly on web­sites, and we, as devel­op­ers, have to imple­ment them. Although we devel­op­ers also encounter forms as users and know about pos­si­ble pain points, there are still forms with bad UX out there. Some­times improv­ing the UX of form fields would be eas­i­ly achiev­able. But from my expe­ri­ence, I know that not all of us (myself includ­ed) always real­ly think about it while imple­ment­ing forms.


In this talk, you will learn about easily achievable UX improvements and what might be the reasons we tend to overlook them. And to spoil it a bit, it is not only about missing types or wrong names for input fields. Furthermore, you will learn why you have to think about biases while improving your UX.
Martina Linnemann
shopware AG
Martina Linnemann is a Full Stack Software Engineer at shopware AG. She joined Shopware in 2017 as an apprentice and successfully finished her Computer Scientist apprenticeship in January 2020. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science (B.Sc.) from the University of Applied Science Münster in February 2022. Since she completed her studies, she has worked as a Full Stack Software Engineer at shopware AG. She gathered years of knowledge in web development and is passionate about finding ways to improve UX easily. Martina regularly speaks at company events and holds internal presentations as well as presentations at her former University of Applied Science. This experience and Martina's insights as a developer promise an engaging talk focused on easy UX improvements.